From phones, to cars to the ink in our pens and the clothes on our bodies, anything black is likely to contain carbon black – a pigment derived from petroleum. Vollebak are looking for a new alternative to carbon black that is more sustainable and has a reduced impact on the environment. As a result they have created a T shirt dyed with black algae.

The plant generates more than half the oxygen on Earth, and once it becomes part of the T shirt, captures and stores the carbon it used to grow as its fuel for the next 100 years. Vollebak‘s last black algae T shirt was made from pulped eucalyptus, but now they have created a version made from hemp – a material with future-focused, high-performance potential.


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  • 02 Vollebak Hemp Black Algae T Shirt

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  • 06 Vollebak Hemp Black Algae T Shirt

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